
Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru During a recent trip to New York My wife and I found ourselves in the East Village on a particularly cold and snowy evening and decided to pop in to what looked like a popular spot for dessert. Truth be told, it was a no-brainer because the restaurant was Max Brenner’s and […]


Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru I just sat down to watch “The Colbert Report” and was tucking in to a pint of Cherry Garcia when my wife sauntered into the room and announced that she wanted to get married again. Naturally, I was taken aback since Mrs. Winston was currently legally and happily married to me, has […]

Coming Clean

Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru One of my goals for 2009 is to organize my home office and streamline my business systems, which, at the moment, means I am switching email programs. Like many entrepreneurs, I have several email accounts, which seems to multiply my frustration, rather than make my life easier. For some reason, setting up […]

Groundhog Day

Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru I’m thrilled to announce that this year I am celebrating Groundhog Day (February 2nd) at ground zero—Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. I have been invited to attend the official Groundhog Day event and watch Punxsutawney Phil pop out of his hole and look for his shadow. For those of you still in the dark about […]

A Day To Remember

Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru If you are one of the roughly 33% of Americans whose employers recognize Martin Luther King Day by giving you the day off from work, then you probably know that this year it falls on January 19th. You probably also know that Dr. King was the main spokesperson for the nonviolent Civil […]

Goal Oriented

Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru Every year around this time I start thinking about resolutions—making them, breaking them and forsaking them. I often threaten to forgo making New Year’s resolutions altogether because they are so dang difficult to keep. But every year I cannot resist the urge to better myself and I make at least one or […]


Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru Cold and flu season is upon us and, if you haven’t gotten your yearly flu shot, you are probably nervous about shaking of another kind. The chills, sore throat and fever that accompany most winter illnesses are no fun but you can find some comfort in the fact that most last no […]

Hurray for Hanukkah!

Virgil Winston:Marketing Guru Hanukkah (Chanukah), also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday which is traditionally observed by the kindling of the lights of a special candelabrum, the Menorah, one light on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night. The lighting of the candles traditionally happens […]