If ye be anything like me, the lack of brew portability in this day and age can get ya crankier than a cheese-less bilge rat! Whether sailin’ the high seas in pursuit of wondrous plunder, or just peg-leggin’ back to my seat at a Pirates’ game, it seems like I always gotta keep one peeper peeled on me drink makin’ sure not to spill it. Though flagons be a fine vessel at the pub, I’d trade me good leg for a proper container with a trusty lid. The seas be a tumultuous vixen and as they toss me about, I can’t help but splash me rum on deck! Though it makes a good solvent for swabbin’, I’d rather have the stuff in me gullet!
Just when I was about tah give up all hope fer such a contraption, I stumbled upon the most wondrous treasure at Rush Imprint. In terms of drink transportability, the Himalayan Tumbler is just what me heart’s been searchin’ fer. With a whopping 18 oz. of beverage capacity, this tumbler is no wee nipperkin, so you know it can hold plenty of swill. Double wall insulation helps keep the grog chilly without freezing your hand, or hook, in me case. With the thumb-slide closure on the lid, swiggin’ is easier than takin’ doubloons from a baby! The empty cavity of this insulated tumbler resembles the top half of a beer bottle turned on its head, which be perfect for mateys with short term memory loss who often forget what they be drinkin’! Being “hand wash only” is no problem for a buccaneer such as meself; the ol’ vessel don’t come equipped with a fancy dishwasher anyhow.
Oh but the true gem of this haul is getting it custom imprinted with my logo! Just like the dreaded Jolly Roger, I’ve slapped a swarthy skull ‘n’ bones on these insulated cups so everybody knows what kind of scurvy dogs they belong to! I’ve taken such a shine to ‘em that I ordered enough for me whole crew! So listen well, me hearties, if ye be after a spill proof, insulated mug tah keep yer grog cold, the Brew2go Tumbler is worth its weight in gold!