It’s that magical time of year again! Freshly cut grass, white paint on the ground, shoulder pads crushing into one another, Friday night games, and the pound of the snare drum during half time herald in the sound of football season. Make this Fall season your time shine by using America’s greatest game to market your brand through promotional products.
1) Booster Clubs
Most High School football teams have a booster club. Get on board by sponsoring a local organization that supports fun and educational programs for students. Contact their leader to investigate what the booster club needs and how you can help them offset the costs for the parents.
2) Sponsor a Little League team
Youngsters are learning how to play the game, and countless communities across America have several teams looking for sponsors. Imagine 20 kids wearing your company logo every weekend through November, that’s a great opportunity for community involvement and raising brand awareness, not to mention the parents knowing the good deed you did.
3) Tailgate!
Before the Friday night lights come on, there’s fun to be had in the parking lot. Hosting a tailgate with food, drinks, and giveaways for fans is fine opportunity to put your logo in the hands and minds of your potential customers.
4) Handouts
Everybody loves FREE stuff! Think like a fan this Fall and imagine what you might want/need for a game. You may consider warm knit caps, insulated mugs for hot chocolate, water bottles with logo to keep cool, the ever-popular customized Kan-Tastic, or something else unique and useful. Provide something of value to your potential customers/clients and let them know that you care about their positive experience.
5) The Terrible Towel
Support your local teams by distributing personalized sports towels with both the team and your logos! Nothing intimidates the other team like a furious wave of fans having fun and spinning a distracting wave of towels over their heads!
rushIMPRINT is your home for all the promotional items you could need to raise your brand awareness this Fall. We are looking forward to working with you to make this football season a memorable one!